
Unit Timeline: (Major Events)
Sept. 1862: Organized in Pittsburgh & Harrisburg
Sept. 18 1862: In Sharpsburg, MD (Antietam)
Dec. 12-15 1862: 1st Fredericksburg
May 1-5 1863: Chancellorsville
July 1-4 1863: Gettysburg
November 7 1863: Rappahannock Station
Winter 1863-64: Converted to Zouave Unit, presented Zouave Uniforms on Jan.
May 5-7 1864: Wilderness
May 8 1864: Laurel Hill
May 8-12 1864: Spottsylvania
May 12-21 1864: Spottsylvania Courthouse
May 23-26 1864: North Anna River
May 28-31 1864: Totopotomoy
June 1-12 1864: Cold Harbor
June 1-3 1864: Bethesda Church
June 18 1864: Disasterious Charge at Petersburg
Oct. 27-28 1864: Hatcher's Run
Dec. 7-12 1864: Warren's Raid on Weldon Railroad
March 29 1865: Quaker's Road
March 31 1865: White Oaks Road
April 1 1865: Five Forks
April 9-12 1865: Appomattox Court House, Lee Surrenders, William Montgomery
dies, likely Last Man Killed in the A.O.P. aged 15-16
May 1-12 1865: In Washington D.C.
May 23 1865: Grand Review
June 2 1865: Mustered Out (Close of Service)
September 17 1875: First Reunion, Lafayette Hall, Pittsburgh, PA
September 17 1886: Monument Dedication on Little Round Top & Reunion
September 17 1889: Monument Re-dedicated with zouave statue on top &
September 17 1894: Fourth Reunion, held in Pittsburgh on board the Steamer
"Katie Stocksdale" and at Orchard Grove, Duquesne, PA
July 29 & 30 1896: Reunion at Clarion, PA
1903: Reunion at Kennywood
November 11 1908: Reunion, dedication of Humphreys Monument at Fredericksburg,
1910: Unit History Published
August 24 2005: Monument Fully restored
Sept. 17 2005: 2nd Rededication of Monument





Alfred L. Pearson (1838-1903)

A.L. Pearson, MOH Recipient |
Alfred L. Pearson, born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on the 28th of December, 1838. Educated at Jefferson & Allegheny
Colleges, admitted to the bar in 1861. In 1862 enlisted in the 155th PA Vol. Inf., as Captain, became Colonel after Col. John
H. Cain resigned in Aug. of 1863. Brevetted Brigadier-General of Volunteers on the 30th of September1864, for actions
at Peeble's Farm, and later Major General for a charge at Quaker Road, March 29th 1865. Present at Appamattox. Recived Medal
of Honor for actions at Lewis Farm, 29th March, 1865, issued September 17th 1897. Citation reads:
"Seeing a brigade forced back by enemy, he seized his regimental color, called on his men to folloiw him, and advanced
under a severe fire. The whole brigade took up the advance, the lost ground was regained, and the enemy was replused"
After the war returned to Pittsburgh to practice law, and served as a district attorney in 1870, 1872, and 1877.
Served as Major-General of the Pennsylvania National Guard. During the Luzerene County Coal Mine riots of 1877 he commanded
the National Guardsmen sent in to quell the labor related violence. During this time some National Guardsmen fired on the
rioters, killing a number of them. General Pearson, being deemed responsible for the actions of his men was arrested and put
on trial for murder, but the grand jury failed ti indict him, and he was cleared of all charges. Pearson edited
the "Sunday Critic" in 1887-88, and is the author of 3 plays, none of which have ever been produced. In 1888 became commander
of the National Union Veteran Legion. Died on January 6th, 1903 at the age of 64 in Sewicky, PA. He is buried at Allegheny
Cemetery, Lawerenceville, PA.
The Record of the 155th PA Vol. Inf. :
Colonels of the 155th:
(1) Col. E. Jay Allen (2) Col. John H. Cain
(3) Alfred L. Pearson; Bvt. Maj. General
Field & Staff:
Total Enrollment: 10 Not on Muster Out or Never
Joined: 0 Killed: 0
Died of Diease: 0 Discharged for Wounds &
Disabilities: 0 Deserted: 0 Transfered
to V.R.C.: 0 Transferred to Other Units: 1 Discharged for Various: 6 Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms:
0 Wounded: 0 Mustered out with Regiment:
Company A:
Total Enrollment: 146 Not on Muster Out
or Never Joined: 5 Killed: 10 Died
of Diease: 5 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 42
Deserted: 6 Transfered to V.R.C.: 2 Transferred to Other Units: 25 Discharged for Various: 0
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 7 Wounded: 25
Mustered out with Regiment: 44
Recruited from: Allegheny County
Company B:
Total Enrollment: 157 Not on Muster Out or Never
Joined: 6 Killed: 12 Died
of Diease: 12 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 46
Deserted: 6 Transfered to V.R.C.: 8 Transferred to Other Units: 31 Discharged for Various: 4
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 6 Wounded: 15
Mustered out with Regiment: 26
Recruited from: Allegheny County
Company C:
Total Enrollment: 148 Not on Muster Out
or Never Joined: 13 Killed: 13 Died
of Diease: 4 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 42
Deserted: 11 Transfered to V.R.C.: 14 Transferred to Other Units: 20 Discharged for Various:
6 Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 0 Wounded: 16
Mustered out with Regiment: 25
Recruited from: Allegheny County
Company D:
Total Enrollment: 139 Not on Muster Out
or Never Joined: 2 Killed: 8
Died of Diease: 6 Discharged for Wounds
& Disabilities: 38 Deserted: 7 Transfered
to V.R.C.: 10 Transferred to Other Units: 25 Discharged for Various: 2 Discharged by G.O. or Expiration
of Terms: 3 Wounded: 16 Mustered
out with Regiment: 39
Recruited from: Allegheny County
Company E:
Total Enrollment: 149 Not on Muster Out
or Never Joined: 5 Killed: 16 Died
of Diease: 14 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 44
Deserted: 0 Transfered to V.R.C.: 7 Transferred to Other Units: 18 Discharged for Various: 3
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 4 Wounded: 21
Mustered out with Regiment: 38
Recruited from: Allegheny County
Company F:
Total Enrollment: 159 Not on Muster Out or Never
Joined: 3 Killed: 13 Died
of Diease: 11 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 49
Deserted: 6 Transfered to V.R.C.: 14 Transferred to Other Units: 27 Discharged for Various: 4
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 0 Wounded: 26
Mustered out with Regiment: 32
Recruited from: Allegheny County
Company G:
Total Enrollment: 163 Not on Muster Out
or Never Joined: 19 Killed: 16 Died
of Diease: 14 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 45
Deserted: 6 Transfered to V.R.C.: 6 Transferred to Other Units: 16 Discharged for Various: 3
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 3 Wounded: 29
Mustered out with Regiment: 35
Recruited from: Clarion County
Company H:
Total Enrollment: 143 Not on Muster Out or Never
Joined: 2 Killed: 20 Died
of Diease: 16 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 32
Deserted: 0 Transfered to V.R.C.: 2 Transferred to Other Units: 25 Discharged for Various: 0
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 0 Wounded: 32
Mustered out with Regiment: 46
Recruited from: Clarion County
Company I:
Total Enrollment: 157 Not on Muster Out or Never
Joined: 8 Killed: 26 Died
of Diease: 4 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 38
Deserted: 9 Transfered to V.R.C.: 12 Transferred to Other Units: 24 Discharged for Various: 3
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 11 Wounded: 19
Mustered out with Regiment: 23
Recruited from: Allegheny County
Company K:
Total Enrollment: 145 Not on Muster Out or Never
Joined: 5 Killed: 12 Died
of Diease: 18 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 35
Deserted: 2 Transfered to V.R.C.: 7 Transferred to Other Units: 15 Discharged for Various: 0
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 4 Wounded: 41
Mustered out with Regiment: 47
Recruited from: Armstrong County
Total Enrollment: 7 Not on Muster Out or
Never Joined: 7 Killed: 0
Died of Diease: 0 Discharged for Wounds &
Disabilities: 0 Deserted: 0 Transfered
to V.R.C.: 0 Transferred to Other Units: 0 Discharged for Various: 0 Discharged by G.O. or Expiration
of Terms: 0 Wounded: 0 Mustered
out with Regiment: 0
Regiment Totals:
Total Enrollment: 1523 Not on Muster Out or Never
Joined: 75 Killed: 146 Died
of Diease: 104 Discharged for Wounds & Disabilities: 411
Deserted: 53 Transfered to V.R.C.: 82 Transferred to Other Units: 227 Discharged for Various: 31
Discharged by G.O. or Expiration of Terms: 38 Wounded: 240
Mustered out with Regiment: 358
Losses from Major Battles:
Battle Killed
or Mortaly Wounded
1st Fredericksburg.....21
North Anna......3
Cold Harbor.......2
Petersburg (assault).....26
Siege of Petersburg......6
Peeble's Farm.......8
Boydton Road......4
Dabneys Mill.......9
Petersburg (25/03/1865).....3
Quaker Road.......3
White Oak Road.......4
Five Forks.......9
Appomattox......1 (Killed just before Lee Surrendered)
155th PVI Stats:
Troops Mustered in from:
August 22nd, 1862
Pittsburgh & Harrisburg, PA Sept. 2-19, 1862
Attached to:
2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 5th Army Corp, Army of the Potomac till May 1863. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Army Corp,
Army of the Potomac till March 1864. 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corp, Army of the Potomac till June 1864. 2nd Brigade,
2nd Division, 5th Army Corp, Army of the Potomac till Dec. 1864.
3rd, Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Army Corp, Army of the Potomac till June 1865
Mustered Out:
June 2nd, 1865
Sharpsburg (Antietam), MD till Oct. 30th
Falmouth, VA, Oct. 30-Nov. 19
Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 12-15
Burnside's Mud March, Jan. 20-24,
Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6
On Duty at Falmouth, VA till April 27
Battle of Chancellorsville May 1-5
Gettysburg Campaign June 11-July 24
Battle of Gettysburg July1-3
Pursuit of Lee July 5-24
On Duty at the line between the Rappahannock and Rapidan till Oct.
Bristoe Campaign Oct. 9-22
Auburn Oct. 13
Rappahannock Station Nov. 7
Mine Run Campaign Nov. 26-Dec. 2
On Duty at Orange & Alexandria Railroad till April
Rapidan Campain May 4- June 12
Battle of the Wilderness May 5-7
Laurel Hill May 8
Spottsylvania My 8-12, (Assault on the Salient May 12th)
Spottsylvania Court House May 12-21
North Anna River May 23-26
Totopotomoy May 28-31
Bethesda Church June 1-3
Cold Harbor June 1-12
Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864 - April 2, 1865
Near Petersburg June 16-18
Disasterious Bayonet Charge at Petersburg June 18th 1864
Mine Explosion at Petersburg July 30th
Six Mile House, Weldon Railroad August 18-21
Peebles Farm Sept 29-Oct. 2
Boydton Plank Road, Hatchers Run Oct. 27-28
Warren's Raid on Weldon Railroad Dec. 7-12
Appomattox Campaign March 28-April 9
Boydton & Quaker Roads, Lewis Farm, Gravelly Run March 29
White Oak Road March 31st
Five Forks April 1st
Appomattox Court House April 9 (Surrender of Lee and his Army of Northern Virgina)
In Chamberlain's First Division (3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corp) to receiving offical surrender of Lee
In Washington, D.C. May 1-12
Grand Review May 23rd
Mustered Out June 2nd
History of the 155th
From: "History of the Pennsylvania
Volunteers 1861-65", by Samuel P. Bates
155th Regiment Pennsylvania
Volunteers 1862-65 Eight of the companies composing this
regiment were recruited in Allegheny county, and rendezvoused at Camp Copeland, three miles from the city of Pittsburg. On
the 3d of September, 1862, they were moved by rail to Harrisburg, where they were joined by two companies, G, and H, recruited
in Clarion county, and a regimental organization was effected with the following field officers: Edward J. Allen, Colonel
James Collard, Lieutenant Colonel John H. Cain, Major On the day following its organization, it was clothed, armed,
and accoutered, and resumed the journey to Washington. Cooped up in cattle cars, with scarcely air to breathe, this ride from
Pittsburg to the National Capital, was as comfortless as can well be imagined. The roar of the battle at Bull Run had scarcely
died away when it arrived, and it was hurried forward to the defenses of the city across the Potomac. It was here assigned
to the Second Brigade, Third Division, of the Fifth Corps, composed of the One Hundred and Thirty-first, One Hundred and Thirty-third,
One Hundred and Twenty-third, & One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Pennsylvania regiments, Colonel P. E. Allabach in command.
The enemy having advanced into Maryland, the Union army was put in motion
to meet him. Pausing at Washington long enough to exchange the worthless Belgian rifles with which it had been armed,
for the smooth-bore Springfield muskets, the regiment pushed forward through Maryland, over the battle-ground of South Mountain,
and was greeted, as it approached Antietam, with the sound of the conflict. The Fifth Corps was held in reserve during the
engagement, and hence the regiment was not called into action.
After the battle, the army settled down in camp, near the field, and
the regiment was thoroughly drilled. In the meantime, the troops suffered much from sickness and privation. Though near the
great depot of stores, at Washington, requisitions for tents, clothing, and medical supplies, were unavailing, even in securing
articles of the most pressing need, and it was only through the helpfulness of citizens of Pittsburg, and friends at
Sharpsburg, that the wants of the regiment were relieved.
For taking a single room in the house of a noted rebel, for a hospital
for his sick, near unto death, Colonel Allen was placed in arrest, by those who ruled the army at this time, and the dying
soldiers were turned out of the rebel house. Over two hundred were at this time in hospital.
In the battle of Fredericksburg, which was principally fought on the
13th of December, the regiment first met the enemy. The Fifth Corps was in the Centre Grand Division, led by Hooker. It was
not until the army, on all sides, had met repeated and most bloody repulsed, and their fortunes overshadowed with gloom,
that the Third Division, led by the veteran Humphreys, was ordered in.
"My troops," says General Humphreys in his official report, " were in
the act of forming for the third time, on the crest of the hill fronting Marye's Heights, some six or eight hundred yards
distant, when I received an urgent request from Major General Couch, in person, to support that part of his corps on the left
of the Telegraph Road, and almost at the same moment, a staff officer rode up and informed him that General Griffin was ordered
to reinforce him. A few minutes later, I was also directed to do so, and without an instant's delay, the Second Brigade, commanded
by Colonel Allabach, the nearest to the Telegraph Road, was moved to the front.* * * The day was not clear, and there was
much smoke overhanging the ground, so that I had not yet seen distinctly the position occupied by the enemy, or that of our
own troops, and the necessity was so urgent, that I could not take time to examine it, without the aid of some one who had
been on the ground. At my request, an officer of General Hancock's staff, (Captain Hancock,) accompanied me, first to
a ravine crossing the Telegraph Road, where the troops could form under partial cover, some three hundred yards from the enemy,
then to the plain above, on which, some two hundred yards in advance, were the troops I was to support, partially sheltered
by a slight rise or fold in the ground. One hundred and fifty yards beyond them was a heavy stone wall, nearly a mile in length,
which was strengthened by a trench. This stone wall was at the foot of Marye's Heights, the crest of which running from one
to four hundred yards in rear of the wall, was crowned with batteries. The stone wall was heavily lined with the enemy's infantry.
A wide, deep ditch, or canal, impassable for troops, ran through the ravine, and was crossed by two roads only, the Telegraph
Road, and the Plank Road. My troops were obliged to pass in column down the Telegraph Road, until the ditch was crossed. There
was barely room for a brigade to form in double lines, between the ditch and the edge of the ravine next the enemy. The Second
Brigade was quickly formed here, under my direction by Colonel Allabach, and then led by him and myself, it moved rapidly
and gallantly up to General Couch's troops, under the artillery and musketry fire of the enemy. The nature of the enemy's
line of defense could not be clearly perceived by me, until I reached this point. The troops I was to support, as well as
those on their left and right, were sheltering themselves by lying on the ground. This example Colonel Allabach's brigade
immediately followed, spite of our efforts to prevent it, and opened a fire upon the enemy. A part only of our men were able
to reach the front rank, owing to the numbers already occupying the ground. The continued presence of the troops I was to
support, or relieve, proved a serious obstacle to my success. As soon as I ascertained fully the nature of the enemy's position,
I was satisfied that our fire could have but little effect upon him, and that the only mode of attacking him successfully
was with the bayonet. This I resolved to do, although my command was composed of troops that entered the service in August.
With great difficulty their firing was arrested, chiefly by the exertions of myself and staff, and Colonel Allabach, aided
by Colonel Allen, Colonel Clarke, and Captain Tyler. Whilst this was being done, I sent a staff officer to General Tyler,
commanding the First Brigade, with instructions to bring his command to the left of the road, in the ravine, and prepare them
to support or take the place of Allabach's Brigade, as the event might require. The charge was then made, but the deadly fire
of musketry and artillery broke it after an advance of fifty yards. Colonel Allabach re-formed the brigade, a portion in the
line from which the charge was made, the remainder in the ravine from which they had advanced." Humphreys still had a
fresh brigade, that of Tyler, and with this he again advanced, charging with the bayonet, and dashing over the lines
of Couch's men, his own tittering wild hurrahs, led them close upon the enemy's works. "The fire," says Humphreys, "of
the enemy's musketry and artillery, furious as it was before, now became still hotter. The stone wall was a sheet of flame,
that enveloped the head and flanks of the column. Officers and men were falling rapidly, and the head of the column was at
length brought to a stand, when close up to the wall. Up to this time, not a shot had been fired by the column, but now some
firing began. It lasted but a minute, when, spite of all our efforts, the column turned and began to retire slowly." "During
the last part of the cannonading," says General Hooker in his official report, "I had given directions to General Humphreys'
Division to form, under the shelter which a small hill afforded, in column for assault. When the fire of the artillery ceased,
I gave directions for the enemy's works to be assaulted. General Humphreys' men took off their knapsacks, overcoats, and haversacks.
They were ordered to make their assault with empty muskets, for there was no time then to load and fire. When the word was
given, the men moved forward with great impetuosity. They ran and hurrahed, and I was encouraged by the great good feeling
that pervaded them. The head of General Humphreys' column advanced to within perhaps fifteen or twenty yards of the stone
wall, which, was the advanced position held by the rebels, and then they were thrown back, as quickly as they had advanced.
They left behind, as was reported to me, seventeen hundred and sixty, out of four thousand." A full proportion of this
loss fell upon the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth. Captain Lee Anshultz was mortally wounded, dying on the following day, and
the color-sergeant, and entire color-guard were shot down. The battle was not renewed, and on the night of the 15th, with
muffled tread, the army withdrew. General Hooker succeeded General Burnside in the command, and on the 27th of April,
1863, started with the Fifth, Eleventh, and Twelfth corps, for Chancellorsville. In the unfortunate battle which ensued, Humphreys'
Division did little more, in the early stages, than concentrate towards Fredericksburg, and subsequently fortify a position
on the left of the line, which was firmly held.
On the morning of the 3d, after the disasters which had befallen the
Eleventh Corps, it was moved forward to the centre, and supported batteries which were posted to check the enemy's advance.
It subsequently fell back to the entrenchments, where it remained until the close of the battle.
Upon the muster-out of the nine months' regiments, with which the One
Hundred and Fifty-fifth had been brigaded, it was assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division, of the Fifth Corps, where
it was associated with the Ninety-first Pennsylvania, and One Hundred and Fortieth, and One Hundred and Forty-sixth New York
regiments, commanded by Colonel Patrick H. O'Rorke, subsequently by General Weed.
At Gettysburg, where the two armies next met, the Fifth Corps did not
arrive upon the field until the morning of the second day of the battle, and was at first held in reserve, in rear of the
Cemetery. The supreme important, of Little Round Top, soon became evident to the leaders of both armies, and troops from both
sides were sent to occupy it, Ayers' Division, of the Fifth Corps, being hurried forward on the part of the Union army for
this purpose.
In the valley, between Round Top and Little Round Top, which was soon
made a valley of death, the waves met, and dashed with fearful violence against each other, Vincent's Brigade, with Hazlett's
Battery, supported by the One Hundred and Fortieth New York, receiving the weight of the shock on the Union side. General
Weed was killed, and Hazlett, while bending over the lifeless form, likewise met swift destruction. The remainder of the brigade
was hurried forward, and won the summit of the rocky fastness, the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth gaining the very crest of the
Mount, just in front of the spot where Weed and Hazlett had fallen. Against this line the fury of the rebel assault was spent,
and when the enemy despaired of gaining it, he took shelter behind every rock and covert, even to the tree tops, and commenced
a murderous fire of sharp-shooting.
The Devil's Den just opposite, was his stronghold, and from this many
a bullet was sent on its unerring message. Colonel O'Rorke, who had succeeded to the command of the brigade, was killed by
a sharp-shooter. Colonel Cain, who had command of the regiment, sent out a skirmish line, under Major Pearson and Captain
George F. Morgan, which finally cleared the ground in front. In its rocky fortress on Little Round Top, the regiment passed
the 3d without molestation, where it was witness to the fearful cannonade and final grand charge of the enemy.
CaptainM'Kee, of company I, was among the severely wounded. After the
battle was over, the regiment joined in the pursuit of the rebel army, and a skirmish line of the brigade came up with the
enemy's rear-guard near Williamsport, taking some prisoners. In the battles of Rappahannock Station, and Mine Run, and in
other minor skirmishes of the fall campaign, the regiment participated, displaying its wonted gallantry, and at its close,
was assigned to duty along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad.
Soon after the battle of Gettysburg, Colonel Allen, on account of disability,
had been honorably discharged, and shortly afterwards, Colonel Cain, who had been promoted to succeed him, resigned; whereupon,
Lieutenant Colonel Pearson was promoted to Colonel, Major John Ewing, to Lieutenant Colonel, and Captain J. A. Cline, to Major.
Upon assuming command, Colonel Pearson adopted the French Zouave uniform, and at once commenced the French skirmish and bayonet
drill, in which the regiment soon became proficient, attracting much attention in the army by the accuracy and novelty of
its movements.
On the 24th of January, 1864, Captain Joseph B. Sackett, while returning
from the picket line, was accidentally drowned in Cedar Creek. Before moving on the spring campaign, the Second Division was
reduced to a brigade, and made part of the First Division, commanded by General Griffin.
Upon its arrival, on the 5th of May, on the battleground of the Wilderness,
the brigade was formed in two lines of battle, and with a line of skirmishers thrown forward under command of Captain George
McLaughlin, of the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, advanced through tangled thickets upon the enemy, who had here determined
to attack. The occasional crack of a musket on the skirmish line, as it advanced, indicated that he was not far distant, and
soon he was found in force. The regulars of the brigade, who had the first line, were repulsed, and the volunteers, who held
the second, pressed forward to their support By their gallantry, the ground was held until the broken lines of the regulars,
which were being pressed upon by over whelming numbers, could be successfully withdrawn. In this desperate encounter, Captain
John C. Stewart, and Lieutenant Edward P. Johnston, were severely wounded. The latter was left in the enemy's hands, who robbed
him of his watch and clothing. An hour later he was rescued, but owing to the neglect and harsh treatment he had received,
was obliged to submit to the loss of an arm.
On the following day, the enemy early assumed the offensive, but was
repulsed with great slaughter. With the evening of the 6th, the hard fighting ceased, and during the night of the 7th, the
army moved from its works towards Spottsylvania Court House. At Laurel Hill the Fifth Corps, which had the advance, found
the enemy in force. Repeated assaults were delivered, participated in by Griffin's Division; but the enemy was found to be
too strongly fortified to be driven.
The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth here suffered severely, Captain Edward
E. Clapp, and Lieutenant Charles C. Johnston, being among the killed. "Both these gallant officers," says the report of the
battle, were killed within a few yards of the enemy's works." Clearing the Sixth and Second corps, the Fifth swung around
and came in upon the immediate front of the Court House. But here the enemy was also found well entrenched, and though repeated
and most gallant assaults were made, they proved unavailing.
On the afternoon of the 23d, Griffin's Division crossed the North Anna
at Jericho Ford. Arms were stacked, and preparations made for supper, when the enemy, who had been lurking in concealment,
made a most vigorous and determined assault. The excellent discipline of the troops served them admirably in this hour of
need. Though taken unaware, and with a swift flowing stream at their backs, they flew to arms, and gave the foe such a reception
as soon convinced him that he had no laurels to win from them.
The bloody battles of the Tolopotomy, and Cold Harbor, soon followed,
which fully attested the devotion of the Union soldiers, but failed to overcome the enemy. On the 15th of June, the division
crossed the James River, and on the18th, joined in an assault upon the enemy. His first works were carried, but his main line,
strongly entrenched, again proved too strong to be overcome. In this charge the regiment lost, in the space of ten minutes,
eighty-three men in killed and wounded. Captain Samuel A. McKee was among the killed.
On the 18th, a charge was delivered by the brigade, which resulted in
rescuing a portion of the line of the Suffolk and Petersburg Railroad from the enemy. The regiment was then employed in constructing
earth-works and bomb-proofs, and in defending working parties from the assaults of the enemy. On the 18th of August, the corps
made a descent upon the Weldon Railroad, at Peam's Station, in which the regiment acted as skirmishers, driving the enemy,
and holding him in check while the road was being destroyed. On the 30th of, September, the Fifth Corps was led to Peebles'
Farm, where sharp fighting ensued, and two lines of earth-works were captured. Colonel Pearson had command of the brigade
in this battle, and by his gallantry in leading his men against the rebel works, and his zeal in the pursuit, won the rank
of Brevet Brigadier General. In the severe engagement at Hatcher's Run, the brigade was warmly engaged, repelling repeated
attacks, but, fortunately, theregiment suffered only small loss. Continually reaching out upon the left, General Grant arrived
at Dabney'sMills, on the 7th of February, 1865. But this extension of the line was notmade without a serious struggle. The
Second and Third divisions had met the enemy, and after severe fighting, had thrown up slight works for their protection.
The Second Division, with ammunition exhausted, was holding the ground with the bayonet. At this juncture, General Pearson
was ordered to move with his brigade to its relief. Nobly did these gallant regiments respond to the order, and dashing past
the troops of the Second Division, were soon hotly engaged. By some sad misunderstanding, the troops in the rear fired a volley
into the ranks of the brigade, which inflicted some loss, and atthe same time, the troops upon the right fell back, leaving
the right flank exposed, which the enemy soon took advantage of, moving his artillery, and opening an enfilading fire. Seeing
the danger to which he was exposed, Pearson moved his reserve into the fatal break, and by rapidity of action, checked the
enemy. The One Hundred and Fifty-fifth held its place in the line until after night-fall, when it was relieved.
At half-past three, on the morning of the 29th of March, the Fifth Corps
moved on its last campaign. At the Quaker Road, the advance of the column came upon the enemy unawares, and was repulsed.
Three regiments of Pearson's Brigade, including the One Hundred and Fifty-fifth, were hurried to its relief. As they approached
the enemy, sheltered by breast-works, they received a volley, by which a number of men and officers were killed and wounded.
Lieutenant James Strong was among the killed. General Pearson, seeing the confusion into which his command was liable to fall,
in face of so murderous a fire, seized the colors of his old regiment, and dashing forward, called on his men to follow. The
enemy was quickly routed, and his works and some prisoners were taken. The regiment was highly complimented by General Meade,
for its gallantry, and General Pearson was brevetted to Major General.
The triumphal course of the corps was marked by well contested actions
at Gravelly Run, Five Forks, and Sailor's Creek, in each of which the regiment was engaged. At Five Forks, Lieutenant Thomas
B. Dunn was killed. At Appomattox Court House, the regiment, under command of Major Morgan, was ordered upon the skirmish
line, and having advanced into the town, making numerous captures as it went, was about to attack the enemy's main line, when
a white flag was displayed, and the joyful intelligence communicated that Lee had surrendered. Its days of figihting ended,
it returned to the neighborhood of Washington, where, on the 2d of June, it was mustered out of service.
On reaching Pittsburg, where there it proceeded in a body, it was received
by the Mayor and citizens, with marks of honor and rejoicing, and was finally disbanded.

