
Located on the Battlefielad at Gettysburg National Military Park. The Monument to the 155th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry
stands proudly on the Summit of Little Round Top. Dedicated by the Surviours Association on September 17, 1886, rededicated
on September 17, 1889 at a total cost of $ 3,000 for Pedestal & Statue, and Rededicated again on September 17th
2005 by Descendants, Reenactors & Friends of the 155th PA for the full restoration of the Monument at a cost
of just over $7,000.
The first thing visitors to the monument will first be struck by the awe inspiring view from the monument, as you can
see on a clear day well into the distance. From the monument you can see "The Valley of Death", also known as Plum Run, just
below the Summit of Little Round Top, the "bloody" wheatfield, & off to the left Devils Den. Off in the distance to the
right vistors will notice the Pennsylvania Memorial, "The High Water Mark", and the Eternal Peace Light Memorial on Oak Hill .

Details of Monument:
East Side of Monument:
At the top of the south side of Monument is the Regiment's name 155th PA Vol.s, below is the symbol of the Army's 5th
Corp the Maltese Cross. Under the cross:" Position Occupied July 2d,3d,4th 1863. organized at Pittsburgh Sept. 2d 1862 Mustered
Out of Service June 6th 1865.
North Side of Monument:
"3rd Brigade (below is a list of battles engaged) Antietam, Fredericksburg, Channcellorsville, Gettysburg, Rappahannock
Station, Mine Run, Wilderness, Laurel Hill, Spottsylvania, North Anna River, Tolopotomy"
West Side of Monument:
"2nd Division, Engaged in 33 Battles, Killed in Action-134, Wounded-350, Died of Disease and Wounds-167, This Pedestal
Errected by Surviors 1886"
South Side of Monument:
"5th Corps, (List of Battles Engaged cont.) Bethesda Church, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, Weldons Railroad, Peebles Farm, Hatchers
Run, Boydton Plank Road, Quaker Road, White Oak Road, Five Forks, Sailors Creek, Appomattox"
Descripton of Pedestal: The "base" or "pedestal" sits on top a large
rock, like most Monuments in the Park, that is about 4ft tall. At the bottom the monument is secured by concrete on the one
side and stone brick & mortor on the other side to give a solid, level base for foundation. It rises about eight feet
to a almost Lotus Flower Column (Ancient Egyptian) Style.
Description of Statue:
On top of the Pedestal sits a statue that bares the likeness of Samuel Washington Hill, of Company F, who posed during
the carving of the Monument. Though dressed in the Zouave Uniform the 155th wasn't a Zouave Unit till early 1864. At the Battle
of Gettysburg in July 1863 the unit was still in the standard Union Uniform, Dark Blue Sack Coat, with Light Blue
Pants. However, as with most Zouave Units from the Civil War, the Surviors Association wished to be remembered for wearing
the Zouave style Uniform. The Statue is of a Soldier "charging" a cartridge.

Flank Markers:
Marks the Regiment's location during the Battle of Gettysburg, which the 155th fought in from July 2nd through July,
4th 1863. The distance of the markers is about 35 yards.
Left: The left flank marker of the 155th sits just next to the monument
it self. Made of the same Granite material as monument. To the left of the marker is the right flank marker of the 146th NY.
Right: The Right flank marker of the 155th is about 35 yards away
from the monument further down the right slope of Little Round Top. Also made of same material of the monument. To the right
of the marker sets the left flank of the Ohio Light Artillery, Battery L.

Left & Right Flank Markers of the 155th |
Damage to Monument:
Unfortunately, as with most monuments on the Battlefield at Gettysburg, the monument had suffered damage or been vandalized
at some point in it's long history. Most obvious to vistors of the Monument was the fact that the right
hand has been broken off, also the top of his rifle. Work was completed in August 2005 by the NPS. So now vistors can
enjoy the monument in it's full glory. There is also remnants of spraypaint on the lower front right side of the rock,
and where someone scratched their name on the lower North Side of the pedestal.
Courtesy: GNMP (NPS) |

Broken remnants from the monument |
Courtesy: Dave Clark |

1886 Dedication Ribbon |
History of Monument:
Dedicated on September 17, 1886, the monument for the 155th Pennsylvaina Volunteers was placed on Little Round Top marking
the spot occupied by the regiment July 2nd & 3rd 1863 during the battle of Gettysburg. The funds needed for the original
version of the monument were $1500, and were raised by the members of the regiment and friends in and around Pittsburgh
& Western Penn. The original version of the Monument, the top was a steep Apex. Ceremonies took place at the base of the
monument and a picture of those in attendance was taken, which can be seen in the regimental history on pages 636 a &
The state of Pennsylvania then made available $1500 to regiments who fought at the Battle of Gettysburg for monuments.
The 155th Surviors Association applied, and was granted the money. They decided to add a life size granite statue of
a private in the treasured Zouave Uniform of the Regiment. The original Apex was leveled, The new top was added and the statue
to cap it. The statue bares the uncanny resemblance of Samuel W. Hill, of Company
F, who fought at Gettysburg, and went on to be highly involved in the Post War Survivors Association. On September 17th 1889
the monument was Re-dedicated, and the State invited all surviors to attend & furnished all transportation.
The monument is entering a new stage in its long storied history, The Greater Pittsburgh Civil War Round Table travels
twice a year to clean the area around monument, and the monument has been restored to it's original condition
which was completed in August 2005. The cost for replaceing & fixing the broken parts was $4000.00, over all
by the time the restoration was completed there was just over $7000.00 worth of work done.
In Feb. 2007 the monument was again damaged by someone throwing a rock at it, dislodging the repaired top of it's rifle.

Zouave Statue Then & Now |
Viewable: Wheatfield, the Valley of Death & Crawford Ave.

Stone wall, just below Monu., showing the 155th's line during the battle |

