
12/14/05- Special thanks to William Bozic for sending
information on his ancestor, Cpl. William W. Wood of Company B. I got the following email from him:
I just found the 155th PA website and would like to share some information. My ancestor George WOOD
was the brother of Cpl. William W. WOOD of Company "B". William W. Wood is buried in our family plot and I can send
a picture/scan of his grave for the website if desired.
William W. WOOD was born 1846 and died May 13, 1885. He lied about his age in order to enlist
(See 1850 &1860 census, National Archives file cards, obituary, and tombstone as proofs of real age at enlistment "16")
William W. Wood is buried at Highwood Cemetery, (Northside of Pgh) Section "B" plot 73, grave number 2 (WOOD Family
Plot) He is mentioned several times in Under the Maltese Cross
William W. Wood has a nearly illegible and broken VA marker listing his service in the 155th
PA. It is my plan to some day have a replacement VA marker placed.
William W WOOD enlisted with his 1st cousin William Murphy WOOD in Co. "B". Cousin William Murphy
Wood transferred to Troop "L" 2nd US Cavalry (See pension for Mrs. Julia B. WOOD widow of William Murphy WOOD) William Murphy
WOOD is buried at Chartiers Cemetery. I can also supply a photo of his gravestone His years are (Dec 26, 1846- March 3, 1896)
William Bozic
Thanks again William for the information, I would also like to thank James Cousins for his knid words
on thee website.
12/14/05- Why hasn't the site been updated since August?
Well, my computer crashed, but i'm back.
Alot has has happen since my last update date, and over the next week or so i'll be putting that information online,
namely the rededication back on September 17th. What a great day, photos and everything will be up soon. As of Jan. 1st i'll
be starting a new "News Page".
08/29/05- For those that havn't heard, as of last Wednesday August 24th,
2005 at 1:30pm work on the monument is finished, the scaffolding was taken down on Friday. Thanks to Park Ranger Vic
Gavin and team the 155th PA Monument is fully restored and looks fantastic.
Mid August 2005 |

Monument with Scaffolding |
Mid August 2005 |

Monument with Scaffolding |
Courtesy: Vic Gavin GNMP (NPS) |

Restored Statue 08/24/2005 1:30pm |
07/27/2005- I've had an update from the Park service,
the monument will be done by August, and they are aware of the rededication on Sept. 17th.
07/09/2005- Today the site reached 1000 Hits
06/20/2005- This past Wednesday the Civil War Community lost one of their
own with the untimely passing of Brian C. Pohanka, at the age of 50. Known for his numerous appearances in documentaries
on the war, contributions to books, and appearing on screen & working as a consultant for movies such as "Glory",
"Gettysburg", "Gods & Generals", etc. He was also a Reenactor, a member of the 5th New York, Duryee's Zouaves & one
of the founders of the 54th Mass. He provided a real model for my generation of reenactors, Pride & Preservation,
with his work with the Civil War Preservation Trust to preserve Civil War Sites, and his support helped the Pennsylvania
Monuments Project get going. He showed us that we can reenact, but must be able to show people where and what we are reenacting.
It is one thing read about history, it is another to see and touch it.
While I never got to meet him, I certainly know more than few who did, and they all have said the same thing, he was
a regular person, kind, unselfish, classact.
On the behalf the 155th Pennsylvania, Zouaves Everywhere, Thank You.
Brian C. Pohanka, 1955-2005, Historian, Author, Reenactor.
Capt. Brian C. Pohanka, 5th NY, 54th Mass |

1955-2005, R.I.P. |
04/26/2005- The Rededication is set for Saturday, Sept.
17th 2005. I've created a Rededication Group using Yahoo. This will make it easier for people to keep up to date on news concerning
the Rededication as well as exchange ideas/plans for it, to make this on everyone will enjoy and remember.
12/14/2004- Today
I got to go to the Park Archives office and was given all the information they have on the monument. If i'm reading the report
they gave me correctly, on a report done on the monument from 1976, then it was vandalized in the spring of 1976 (and
hints it was vandaized more than once), i've emailed the curator for clarification. I also got to talk to the guy in charge
of monument restoration, Vic Gavin, who has the bits they were able to recover, they are working on fully restoring monument,
it will be done by June of 2005. According to the report the damage estimate was $1050.00 in 1976, the current estimate is
$4000.00, which is already paid for. All and all once it is restored they will have spent just over $7000.00 worth of
work on the monument in the last five or so years.
I'm currently planning a monument rededication on Sept. 17th
2005, I was going to do it even before I found out it was going to be fixed, now all the more reason.
I also got a clear copy of the group picture
taken at the dedication in 1886, the same as in the unit history, also a picture from the 1889 dedication which I hadn't seen
before, and a couple others. Those are posted in the Items section of the website.
Courtesy:GNMP (NPS) |

Broken remnants of the monument |

Courtesy:GNMP (NPS) |
10/09/2004- On Oct. 7, 2004 the website turned one-year
old, special thanks to everyone that has contributed and visited the site in the last year.
06/08/2004- Thanks to Kathy Klopfer for locating the grave of Henry F. Weaver
(1845-1910). Henry enlisted on Augusted 23rd, 1862 and was mustered into Company B, 155th. He was wounded at Gettysburg on
Little Round Top, struck in the right ankle resulting in an amputation of the foot at a field hospital. After the
war he worked as a Notory Public, Auditor, and Secretary of Financial Institutions in the City of Pittsburgh.
06/02/2004- Thanks to Linda Jemmett for sending a picture of her Great-Great-Great
Grandfather, John Amos Lewis (1842-1922). John enlisted in the 155th as a vetern on Feb. 29, 1864, and was mustered into Co.
H with his brother Peter who had enlisted in the 155th on Aug. 22nd 1862 (Died during the Battle of the Wilderness May 5th,
1864). John A. Lewis is buried at Union Cemetery, Venus, Clarion County, PA.
Courtesy: Linda Jemmett |

John A. Lewis' Gravestone |
04/26/04- Thanks to Tommy Hammerbeck, a decendent of George W. Edinger &
Andrew J. Edinger of Co. G, for sending this picture of a group shot taken the monument on Little Round Top, circa 1889. You
can read the stirring story of his quest to rediscover his roots at Tommy's website by clicking here.

Group Shot, Co. G at Monument |
04/16/2004- Thanks to Kathy Klopfer. Who sent in a picture of the grave stone
of her great-grandfather Corp. James J. Carroll (1841-1926) of Company F, 155th PVI, enlisted on August 16th 1862 and
was mustered out with the regiment on the 2nd of June 1865. He is buried in St. Mary's Cemetery in Lawrenceville, PA.
Courtesy of Kathy Klopfer |

Grave of Corp. James J. Carroll, Co. F |
04/07/2004- Much thanks to Frank Marrone. He located the grave of Joseph
H. Gartside (1844-1919) of Co. F, 155th PVI. He is buried at West Laurel Hill Cemetary, in Philadelphia. Joseph enlisted
in the 155th on the 22nd of August 1862 and was discharged on the 4th of March 1863. Frank also placed a flag
at the grave, and took the picture below.
Courtesy: Frank Marrone |

Grave of Joseph H. Gartside, Co. F, 155th PVI |
1/15/03- Over this weekend (Jan. 10) I payed a visit to Fredericksburg, Va.,
known as the most bloody landscapes in America, it was the site of the 1st and 2nd Battles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville,
the Wilderness, and Spotsylvania. All of which the 155th was engaged in. I went on a tour of the Battlefield of Fredericksburg,
I saw the Stonewall below Marye's Heights that the 155th gallantly charged in the 13th and final charge ordered
by General Burnside resulting the loss of most of the color guard of the 155th, and many casualties. At the time of the battle
the 155th was in Humphreys' Division, on November 11, 1908 a monument to General Andrew A. Humphrey's was erected in the National
Cemetary at Fredericksburg, surviving members of the 155th travelled by train from Pittsburgh for the unveiling. Under
the command of Col. P.H. Allabach commanding the 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, the 155th's Colonel at the time of the battle
December 13th, 1862, Col. E. Jay Allen also rest on the monument along with the names of all Colonels under
Gen. A.A. Humphrey's during the battle. Frdericksburg is a great place, loyal to it's history, I recommend visiting it, and
the surrounding areas.
Humphreys' Monument |


Side of Humphreys' Monument |
12/31/03- Have a Safe & Happy New Year.
I would to take this time and thank Mr. Dave Clark, Great Great Nephew of Sgt. George S. Booth of Co. D, 155th PVI for
all his help. He scanned a copy of the dedication ribbon worn by the Members of the 155th PA Surviours Association on Sept.
17, 1886. At the dedication of their Monument at Little Round Top on the grounds of the Gettysburg Battlefield. A copy can
be found on the Monument Page as well as the new Artifacts Page.
I've also added a copys of two post cards I found in an Antique Shop, one the Monument circa 1930-1940, and
one the front of Little Round Top Circa 1910, both can be found in the Artifacts Page.
12/23/03- Greetings, and Happy Holidays. It's been a long time since
this site was updated. The reason for this was that the host, Tripod, was having issuses with their Site Creater Software,
the one I use. Because of this I have been unable to update this site. My hope is to have this site done soon.
11/15/03- On Remembrance Day this year I partcipated in the various
ceremonies in Gettysburg with my current unit the 23rd PA, it was a great day. It was what being a reenactor is
truly about, honoring the service of those who fought and gave their lives in the Civil War for something they believed in,
on both sides. Members of the 23rd PA, Birney's Zouaves, enjoyed a break at Mid-Day, having their lunch on Little Round Top at the Monument of the 155th PA. Members enjoyed the
awe inspiring view from the monument, as the weather was perfect, low 60's & Sunny.
10/7/03- Site Created

